Getting Our Act Together

Angela Misri is a Toronto-based author who was recently featured on CBC Radio’s Here and Now. She spoke about her new detective novel, Jewel of the Thames, which features protaganist Portia Adams, a young detective with a Sherlock Holmes connection.

Misri tells another story, however, that has captured my attention: her story of writing Jewel of the Thames during her daily commute to and from work. Misri says she wrote for 30 minutes each way, and now she’s a published author. One hour a day. Seems doable, doesn’t it?

My last post was about taking action. If writing a novel is a dream of yours, it’s time to start. My own novel is languishing neglected on my computer. But if we commit to action—even if it’s to write for only 15 minutes daily—then we’ll reach our goal. Think about it: If you write a mere 500 words a day, you’ll have a novel written by year’s end.

For writing tips, check out Misri’s YouTube channel.

3 Responses to Getting Our Act Together

  1. Angela Misri says:

    I’m so excited to hear that my interview inspired you! I expect updates on the progress of your soon NOT-to-be-languishing novel, Michelle, and let me know if there’s a beta I can read sometime?

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