The Art of Negotiation

Freelancers know that the key to successfully landing business contracts is knowing how to negotiate a win-win for the parties involved.

One potential problem is negotiating pay. Often, the client has a firm budget for the work needed, and it’s up to you, the freelancer, to accept the gig or not. If the pay isn’t sufficient to cover the costs of running a business, paying living expenses, paying taxes, and saving for retirement, then it may be best to walk away.

But before you do, make sure you’ve exhausted your options. Perhaps the job could be altered in some way, so that the client can afford your services. The job could be done in instalments, or a payment plan could be proposed. Maybe only part of the project could be acquired, or maybe you could suggest ways of reducing the amount of work required, so that the budget is met.

If, on the other hand, you name a price, and the potential client balks, explain the value that editing services add:

  • a professional image that attracts clients
  • audience reach and retention from ideas well communicated
  • freedom from embarrassment resulting from poor copy and the subsequent loss of goodwill and profit
  • time savings from efficient content creation

If possible, offer a freebie that won’t cost you much. If you know a client needs promotional material or other content, throw in a press release or a reworked blog post from your archives.

If the timing of delivery is a problem, don’t simply decline the job — suggest delivery alternatives.

As a last resort, refer the client to another freelancer in your network. What goes around comes around, after all.

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