Nix the Networking Noose

Lots of editors are introverts. We love reading — alone! — and we have little trouble working at home as freelancers.

Of course, we must deal with our clients and with any other issues related to running a business — talking with the accountant, with the computer techie, or with the account manager at the local office supply store. And we must market ourselves to keep the gravy train rolling. Yes, we must “network” whether we like it or not.

For me, the thought of networking is not pleasant. I hate self-promotion and sales talk, and isn’t that what networking is? This is who I am, these are my skills, and this is why you should pay me money. Oh, and this is my business card. Now I’ll smoothly bring the conversation to a close and move on to my next victim.

Clearly, I need to change my perspective on this.

Today, I discovered this article that helped me do just that. The article suggests that, instead of focusing on yourself when meeting someone new, you should focus on the other person. Huh.

This idea has been expressed before, but I enjoyed the author’s refreshing take: don’t network; help people instead.

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