Got Land?

I love a funny slogan on a T-shirt, and I had a good chuckle when I heard this one. A young Saskatchewan schoolgirl, Tenelle Star, recently wore a sweatshirt with this slogan, and school officials asked her to take the shirt off. They have since relented, and so should they have.

As an editor, I say this slogan hits all the right points: it’s succinct, it plays off a familiar ad campaign (got milk?), and it’s funny as hell — and not just funny ha-ha. It’s more like you-are-so-absolutely-right-this-world-is-so-messed kinda funny. It’s got a punch-to-the-gut kind of truth that can’t be denied.

Marg Delahunty sings it best: “O Canada!/Our home’s on native land.”

Yup. I predict a rise in T-shirt sales.

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