Is Your Site Special?

Blogs, blog entries, websites, and web pages—which ones have titles that get the special treatment of italics?

Like a book and its chapters, a blog title is italicized, and blog entries are put in quotation marks. The titles of general websites are not italicized, but a website’s web pages are put in quotation marks.

  • Martha Up Close & Personal  (Martha Stewart’s blog)
  • “Introducing My Two New Kitchen Designs!” (Martha Stewart uses her share of exclamation! marks! in her blog posts.)
  • Facebook (a website with no special treatment)
  • “Contact Us” (a web page in quotation marks)

If a website has a print edition, then the website title is italicized, just as the print edition is.

And to throw in a little complication, some websites, like Wikipedia, are treated as “special” even when they don’t have a print edition.

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