Monthly Archives: July 2013

(Y)eGod(s)! (editorial Gaffe of the day)

Sign expose 031

The sign in the above photo contains an error that I’m seeing, well, every day lately: everyday used as a noun. The store is “now open everyday.” But everyday is an adjective, as in everyday life, everyday clothes, everyday mistakes. Go forth with this wisdom, people, and correct the errors of our sorry textual ways.

What Grammar Girl Taught Me Today or, How I Learned to Stop Furrowing and Love the Exclamation Bomb

Grammar Girl is a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their writing. She deftly answers pressing punctuation, grammar, and usage questions after doing plenty of supporting research. No persnickety pedant, she keeps her advice “quick and dirty,” giving her audience the tools they need to improve their writing. One of my pet peevesContinue Reading

The Subversive Copy Editor (Part I)

There are two editing books that deserve space (not that they require much of it, being the pithy publications that they are) on every editor’s shelf: Strunk and White’s Elements of Style and Carol Fisher Saller’s Subversive Copy Editor. Upon seeing The Subversive Copy Editor lying on our bed recently, my husband assumed that theContinue Reading