Monthly Archives: May 2013

Preview: My YA Novel

I can’t believe it: I’ve started writing a novel. And has it ever given me insight into the writing process. Every writer has their methods, but I quickly discovered mine was to have a definite outline with the plot sorted out right from the beginning. Novel writing, er, writing a novel, rather, seems like an incredibly daunting task when you’re just a few hundred words in, but by breaking it down into scenes, it becomes managable. Here’s a taste:

“Dudes! Let’s party naked, dudes!”

My eyes narrowed to slits, and I couldn’t help but snicker to myself at Jason’s words. I watched him dance through the thick fog of smoke curling over my face. God, the bitter wretchedness of nicotine was a necessary sacrament in this shrine of staidness. That’s what made me so tired: the conventionality of it all. Like Jason, every-freakin-one was so simple, so transparent, so damn predictable. Ugh.

I was tired, all right — and sick. Sick and tired of sophomoric antics, of everyone and everything in this goddamn town, of all that had happened — and of myself. So sick and tired of the never-ending drama taking place in my head.

“Dudes, get me the bong!” Jason bellowed.

Disgusted, I turned away and went out onto the patio for some fresh air. I could make out the outlines of small groups and couples huddling on lawn chairs, on garden benches, in the grass. Music blared from speakers mounted high on the corners of the house’s back wall. “Hey, Schneider! Get over here!” someone yelled at me. Not a chance, I thought. Heavily, my feet like deadweights, I dropped down the patio steps and strode out into the garden. There were lots of secluded spots among the small forest of trees that dotted Aidan’s property. As kids, we played games out here for hours: flashlight tag, kick-the-can, and, later on, kissing games. But the games we were playing now weren’t so fun.

As Promised: Sign Exposé

We all love to have a laugh over grammar and spelling mistakes on signs — especially when the results are hilarious — as Jay Leno and other late night show hosts can attest. Previously on this blog, I poked fun at some error-riddled signs around Toronto.  Finding errors on signs was “like shootin’ fish inContinue Reading

Content Collaboration

Self-publishing is growing by the minute. From Wattpad (check this out already!) to Amazon’s Create Space and Kindle Direct Publishing, content creators (authors seems so archaic) are finding places to share their talents, and readers are enjoying the fruits of those talents. Actually, readers themselves are agents in the creation of content, offering their praise,Continue Reading

The End of Sex

The End of Sex is a new book by Donna Freitas which details hook-up culture on college campuses. Freitas’s research is fascinating. She found that instead of being liberating — as is often touted — hook-up culture is leaving both young men and women feeling frustrated. Students feel forced to participate in hook-up culture becauseContinue Reading

Signs of the Times

There may be many errors on local storefront signs, but these signs of spring in my Toronto neighbourhood are perfection. Happy Victoria Day weekend, everyone!

(Y)eGod(s)! (editorial Gaffe of the day)

Well, this time the mistake isn’t mine. It’s hard to see with the glare, but what we’re missing here is a little thing known as parallel construction. “Men & Boys”; “Ladies & Girls.” Should be “Women & Girls” or “Gentlemen & Boys.” I know some people have an issue with ladies per se (here’s anContinue Reading

Internet Merry-Go-Round

The times, they are a-changin’. From Iranians organizing online to bring attention to their lack of voting options, to individuals using sites like Kickstarter to crowdfund their ideas, the Internet has changed the way we live. It’s like the whole wide world is accessible to each of us. We can all have a piece ofContinue Reading

The Apostrophe Catastrophe

The apostrophe is everywhere lately — literally. I’ve complained before about its incorrect usage, and I’m certainly not alone. In yesterday’s Post, Robert Fulford writes about the misunderstood apostrophe, and he describes vigilante editors who take it upon themselves to make corrections to all the signs with the added apostrophes: Cd’s, Record’s, Dvd’s! The apostropheContinue Reading

Up Against the (Pay)Wall

Traditional publishing, like God, is dead — at least as an industry. Like Pluto, publishing has been demoted: It is now simply a “function” — among many others — of business. And all because of the digital revolution. We no longer access information the way we used to. Like the power of the Catholic ChurchContinue Reading

(Y)eGod(s)! (editorial Gaffe of the day)

Nothing strikes terror through the heart of an editor like the sudden bolt out of the blue when you realize, belatedly ‘natch, that you’ve made a mistake. This happened to me a few minutes ago. I’ve been sending out my cover letter and resumé via email. In the email message, I write, “My cover letterContinue Reading